Taxonomy of Data

STAT 20: Introduction to Probability and Statistics


  • Taxonomy of Data lecture
    • Data Types
    • Data Frames
  • Problem Set 1 and Lab work time
  • Appendix (extra material!)

Taxonomy of Data lecture

Work time


Appendix (extra material!)

Concept Questions: Conceptual

Concept Question 1 - Quick Refresher

  • Head to PollEverywhere for a quick set of questions regarding Taxonomy of Data!

Concept Question 2

There’s no escape from the bird…

Images as data

  • Images are composed of pixels (this image is 1520 by 1012)

  • The color in each pixel is in RGB

  • Each band takes a value from 0-255

  • This image is data with 1520 x 1012 x 3 values.

A shoebill with a duck in its mouth.


  • Grayscale images have only one band
  • 0 is black, 255 is white
  • This image is data with 1520 x 1012 x 1 values.

A shoebill with a duck in its mouth in grayscale.


  • To simplify, assume our photos are 8 x 8 grayscale images.

An 8 x 8 grayscale image

Images in a Data Frame

Consider the following images which are our data:

  • Let’s simplify them to 8 x 8 grayscale images

Images in a Data Frame

If you were to put the data from these (8 x 8 grayscale) images into a data frame, what would the dimensions of that data frame be in rows x columns? Answer at


Concept Question 3

A note on variables

There are three things that “variable” could be referring to:

  1. a phenomenon
  2. how the phenomenon is being recorded or measured into data
    • what values can it take? (this is often an intent- or value-laden exercise!)
    • for numerical units, what unit should we express it in?
  3. How the recorded data is being analyzed
    • might you bin/discretizing income data? what are the consequences of this?
  • For the following question, you may work under the second definition.

What type of variable is age?

For each of the following scenarios where age could be a variable, choose the most appropriate taxonomy according to the Taxonomy of Data.

  1. Ages of television audiences/demographics
  2. Ages of UC Berkeley students
  3. The weight of a rock

Answer at


Problem Set 1


Concept Questions: Coding

  • Time to make a series of educated guesses. Close your laptops!

Educated Guess 1

What will happen here?

Answer at<name>

1 + "one"

Educated Guess 2

What will happen here?

Answer at<name>

a <- c(1, 2, 3, 4)

Educated Guess 3

What will happen here?

Answer at<name>

a <- 1 + 2
a + 1

Educated Guess 4

What will happen here?

Answer at<name>

a <- c(1, 3.14, "seven")

Work time
